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December 4, 2019

Keep, Store or Donate?

Deciding what items you want to keep, store or donate can be a long drawn out chore. If you have items that you can’t bring yourself to part with place them in a box and label it with the current date, then in 6 months to a year if you still have not used those items, it’s time to donate. Keeping items is pretty easy but you don’t want to end up with everything in the keep pile, so be realistic and think just how much do you need that if you had it in the attic in the first place, after that if you really can’t decide then it’s time to get storage. Storage is great for those things that take up space in your house, garage or attic and by storing them you don’t have to make the dreaded decision to get rid of grandma’s hand woven rug from 20 years ago, you simply store it then come get it when she’s visiting.  Storage is a great option when it can hold the smallest amounts of clutter to whole houses of full of clutter, it’s easy to start fresh with the mess out of the way but if you really like the items you store you can visit day after day.