Everywhere you turn there is an article, a news story or a blog talking about covid-19, well this one is a little different because I hope to encourage people as well as take my own advice to get back out there and see the world around us and do it safely. The fear of getting the virus and possibly spreading it to our loved ones is a far bigger burden than anyone should have to carry, but that is the reality of the situation. While I agree with the CDC’s recommendations, I also know that we have to make the decision to do what is right and not to rely on others to do it for us. With all this in mind we can still get out of our houses and do it in a safe and fun way. Everyone is trying to do their best by staying home, keeping busy and thinking of creative ways to stay entertained, but we are creatures of habit and want to get away. Traveling for vacation this summer is possible with the right plan in place and some common sense thinking. Vacation, that word has a magical ring to it and gives us something to look forward to, there is nothing better than lying on a beach somewhere or seeing the country side and GETTING PAID TO DO IT? We may not be ready to jump on a plane and check into a resort somewhere just yet but we can think about a new way of traveling this summer. Have you ever thought about an RV? RV travel is huge right now because of covid but it has been a big favorite of mine for many years now. RV camping is an inexpensive and easy way to go anywhere and feel safe while doing it, you’ll have peace of mind driving your own vehicle and sleeping in your own bed, that is social distancing at its best. Another great reason for camping is THE FOOD, camping requires GREAT FOOD, like blueberry cobbler made in a cast iron skillet or s’mores over the camp fire. When thinking of where to go, there are so many options but a great place to start is right in your own state, State Parks are great for RV camping.